
Chair of the Alumni Association

The current Chair of the Alumni Association is Katherine Leopold (BA German and Linguistics 2001).

University of Manchester Board of Governors

The Board of Governors is The University of Manchester’s governing body. It carries the ultimate responsibility for our overall strategic direction and for the management of our finances, property and affairs generally, including the employment arrangements for all staff. There is one designated alumni member of Board of Governors, currently David Buckley.

General assembly

The General Assembly acts as a two-way channel of communication through which the University presents its achievements to its broader constituencies and receives feedback and advice on matters relating to University business.

Current members

  • Professor Helen Gunter
  • Venice Irving
  • Sarah Jo Loveday
  • Calum McGowan
  • Deborah Streatfield
  • Jiawei Yu
  • Ishaka Yukubu
  • Jiani Zhou

The University of Manchester Alumni Association Constitution

This document is the Constitution of The University of Manchester Alumni Association, the provision for which is stipulated under Statute XVIII of the University’s constitution. The document includes regulations for the internal management and administration of the Alumni Association. 

Extract from the Statutes: Statute XVIII.1 The Alumni Association 

In accordance with Statute XVIII, the operation of the Alumni Association is facilitated by the Division of Development and Alumni Relations (DDAR) which provides the conduit for members to express an opinion on any matter whatsoever relating to the University (see paragraph 8). Opinions so expressed may be transmitted to the Board of Governors or to the General Assembly. 

2. Name 

The name of the association shall be ‘The University of Manchester Alumni Association’ (hereinafter referred to as the “Association”). 

3. The Association 

3.1 The Association is a formally constituted body of The University of Manchester and is subject to the University’s constitution, laws and applicable policies and procedures. 

3.2 The Association’s Officers (see paragraph 6) must be formally recognised by the University’s Board of Governors and have no standing without this recognition accreditation. They are also subject to the University’s constitution, laws, and applicable policies and procedures. 

3.3 In turn, any local, regional and international alumni association and local, regional and international alumni ambassadors, contacts and groups (see paragraph 9) must be formally recognised by Officers of the Association. This process is set out in paragraph 9. 

4. Objectives 

4.1 To take an active interest in the life of the University, with a particular focus on engaging in programmes relating to the University’s aims and objectives, as detailed in its current Strategic Plan. 

These will include, but will not be limited to: 

  • improving the employability and on-going career development of current students and alumni; 
  • continual improvement of the student experience; 
  • supporting the University’s internationalisation agenda; and 
  • supporting the University’s social responsibility agenda by encouraging alumni to engage and volunteer with the University, its students and their own communities to address global, social and economic challenges. 

4.2 To promote the interests of the University and to support its development. 

4.3 To promote, foster and maintain links between the Association’s members and The University of Manchester (hereinafter referred to as the “University”). 

4.4 To facilitate and support meetings and interactions between the Association’s members for their personal and professional development and benefit. 

4.5 To encourage philanthropic support for the University. 

5. Membership 

5.1 Statute XVIII of The University of Manchester governs graduate membership of the Alumni Association, and Ordinance XXIX of the constitution of The University of Manchester governs affiliate membership of the Alumni Association. The following shall be members: 5.1.1 Graduate membership of the Association will be granted to all graduates (which, for the avoidance of doubt, includes all honorary graduates) of the University and of the former Universities (“Graduate Members”):- 

  • The Victoria University of Manchester (earlier known as the Owens College Manchester) and 
  • UMIST (The University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology; earlier known as Manchester College of Science and Technology, Manchester Municipal College of Technology, Manchester Mechanics’ Institution) (collectively “the former Universities”). 

5.1.2 Affiliated membership of the Association: 

  • is automatically granted to non-graduating former students of the University and of the former Universities who completed at least a ‘session’ (calculated as six months) at the University or the former Universities; and 
  • may be granted to non-alumni and former students who have completed less than a ‘session’ of study at the discretion of the Secretary of the Association in order to further the aims, objectives and activities of the Association and any of its constituent local, regional and international groups or associations (“Affiliate Members”). 

5.1.3 Graduate membership of the Association is defined in Appendix A below 

5.2 Only Graduate Members of the Association may participate in elections. Affiliate Members are ineligible to stand for elections or vote. 

5.3 DDAR maintains the University’s official alumni records. DDAR treats alumni data in accordance with its privacy notice, which is available here: While DDAR considers its relationship with alumni and supporters to be lifelong it will hold alumni details in perpetuity. If a member no longer wishes to receive contact from the University then they can exercise their rights under UK data protection legislation as outlined in this privacy notice. 

5.4 The Board of Governors of the University (hereinafter referred to as the “University Board”), in consultation with the DDAR shall have the authority to withdraw privileges of membership from any individual whose behaviour is incompatible with the objectives of the University and /or the Association. 

6. Chair of the Association and Secretary to the Association 

6.1 The Officers of the Association shall be the Chair and the Secretary. 

6.2 The Chair of the Association shall be appointed by the University Board for an initial term of three years, renewable once only for a further term of three years on the recommendation of the Division of Development and Alumni Relations, and must have displayed a record of assistance to the University. The Chair of the Association may resign by informing the Director of DDAR who will inform the Board of Governors. The Director of DDAR may recommend the termination of the Chair’s appointment to the Board having demonstrated good cause. 

6.3 The procedure for appointment of the Chair is set out in Appendix B. 

6.4 The Secretary to the Association shall be a senior member of the Alumni Relations staff, nominated by the Director of Development and Alumni Relations 

7. List of members 

7.1 DDAR maintains the University’s official alumni records. These alumni records are the official list of members and therefore constitute the authority on membership of the Association. 

7.2 The list of members shall be made available, subject to University policies and procedures, to relevant University staff and to officers and members of the Association in support of the work of the Association, within the framework of all relevant UK legislation. Where this information is available it shall reflect the publicly available graduation rolls of the University and consist of names, subjects and levels of study, and years of graduation. 

7.3 A sub-set of the list of members, namely those members who are kept informed of the proceedings of the Association including any elections, also known as the register of voters, shall be maintained by DDAR. Any Graduate Member of the Association with an active email address listed on their alumni record will be considered to be included on this register of voters by default, unless he/she elects to opt-out by way of contacting DDAR. 

8. Alumni feedback 

There shall be at least one Online Open Meeting of the Alumni Association each year chaired by the Chair of the Alumni Association, or their delegate at which they will update alumni on relevant topics pertaining to the University and the Association. There will also be other mechanisms by which alumni can express opinions to the University, including by email to; via targeted sentiment surveys distributed by the Division of Development and Alumni Relations and via meetings and focus groups held with alumni. 

9. Alumni associations, groups ambassadors and contacts 

9.1 In order to promote the Association’s objectives, members of the Association may join, establish, be accredited as and/or nominate themselves for the following, subject to the agreements listed below: 

9.1.2 A formally constituted ‘Special Interest’ Association. An Association will be deemed recognised subject to the acceptance by DDAR and the Officers of the Association of a written proposal detailing: 

  • the Association’s objectives 
  • the Association’s structure including proposed positions of office and possible candidates 
  • proposed activities for the following 6-12 month period. 

9.1.3 A formally recognised ‘Special Interest’ Group. A Group will be deemed recognised subject to the acceptance of a ‘Group Agreement’ by DDAR and the Officers of the Association. 

9.1.4 A registered individual Ambassador or Contact for Association activities, which, for the avoidance of doubt, includes alumni volunteers. An Ambassador or Contact will be deemed registered and recognised on the acceptance of an ‘Ambassador Agreement or ‘Contact Agreement’ by DDAR and the Officers of the Association. 

9.2 In countries where there is a requirement for formal registration of groups or associations, it is the responsibility of those groups or associations concerned to ensure all relevant documentations have been completed and accepted by their national/local government and to share these documents with DDAR. 

9.3 The University of Manchester will not routinely fund alumni associations or the activities of alumni groups such as paying room hire or catering. 

9.4 If an Association, Group, Ambassador or Contact is acting in a manner contrary to the extract from Statue XVIII or brings the University into disrepute, formal recognition will cease. In addition, DDAR reserves the right to require annual re-accreditation of Associations, Groups and Contacts, and to withdraw recognition. 

10. Representation on the University Bodies 

10.1 The Association shall be entitled to elect eight of its members to membership of the General Assembly as provided for the in the University’s Statute IX.1(c). The procedure for this process is given in the University’s General Regulation IV, supplemented by the procedures set out in Appendix C. 

10.2 The Association shall be entitled to recommend to the University Nominations Committee the appointment of one of its members to membership of the University Board as provided for in the University’s Statute VI.1 (b). The procedure for this nomination is set out in Appendix D. 

11. Election of Chancellor 

Members of the Association may participate in the election of Chancellor. See Appendix E. 

12. Alterations and approval 

This Constitution is established subject to the Ordinances and Statutes of the University and supersedes all previous versions. Any suggested alterations to the Constitution or the dissolution of the Association will be considered by the Division of Development and Alumni Relations. The revised Constitution should then be submitted to the University Board. 

Appendix A 

Categories of Graduate membership 

A1. Honorary graduates 

An individual who has been awarded a degree by the University, without fulfilling the standard requirements expected of a student in order to recognise a contribution to their particular field or wider society. 

A2. Degree Alumni 

‘Alumni’ who hold a full degree following doctorate, Masters, and/or Undergraduate degree level study. It excludes: Honorary Graduates; Erasmus students; Exchange students; Study Abroad students; Visiting students; Short course students (eg Executive Education); Professional Development students; and those courses ‘validated’ by The University of Manchester; MAP only participants who don’t progress to full UG study; Pre-Sessional English students; and MOOC students. 

A3. Certificate/Diploma Alumni 

‘Alumni’ who have completed a course that doesn’t result in a full degree level award, but does result in an award. This includes: Postgraduate and Undergraduate Certificates and Diplomas. It excludes: doctorate, Masters, and/or Undergraduate degree level study; Honorary Graduates; Erasmus students; Exchange students; Study Abroad students; Visiting students; Short course students (e.g. Executive Education); Professional Development students; those courses ‘validated’ by UoM; MAP only participants who don’t progress to full UG study; Pre-Sessional English students; and MOOC students. 

Appendix B 

Procedure of the Appointment of the Chair of the Alumni Association 

The Division of Development and Alumni Relations shall recommend to the University Board one candidate, who fulfils the criteria set out in paragraph 6.2, for the appointment of the position of Chair of the Alumni Association. The Chair shall be appointed for a once renewable term of three years. 

Appendix C 

Procedure for the Election of Members of the University General Assembly 

C1. Statute XVIII of the University requires that the Association maintains a list of members of the Association who wish to be notified of its proceedings and to participate in elections. In order to comply with relevant UK data protection legislation, DDAR will maintain this list on behalf of the Association and communicate with it accordingly. Any Graduate Member of the Association who has an active email address listed on their alumni record will be considered to be included on this register of voters by default, unless he/she elects to opt-out by way of contacting DDAR. 

C2. A call for nominations from among all Graduate Members eligible to participate in accordance with paragraph 5.2 will be issued by the Secretary to the Association through appropriate digital/print medium. 

C3. All Graduate Members shall be entitled to submit one nomination. Only Graduate Members of the Association may seek nomination and should provide evidence of the willingness of a nominee to serve for a period of three years. Nominations should be made on nomination forms available from DDAR and should be completed and submitted in line with any instructions. Nominations must be seconded. Only correctly completed forms will be considered. 

C4. The Secretary shall act as Returning Officer, receiving nominations, determining eligibility and preparing a list of candidates for submission to the Nominations Committee. 

C5. A DDAR nominations committee, formed of the Chair of the Alumni Association, a member of the University’s senior leadership team, and the Director of Development and Alumni Relations will determine the suitability of candidates to proceed to the electoral process, based on the role of the General Assembly and any criteria set by the Board of Governors’ Nominations Committee (the criteria for suitability will be detailed on the notes accompanying the nominations form and will be consistent with the role and function of the General Assembly). 

C6. At each election, electors will be advised of the number of vacant positions for Graduate Members on the University General Assembly. 

C7. The University will provide an adequate system of online voting for Graduate Members wishing to vote. Each eligible member shall be able to vote for the number of candidates specified. 

C8. Those graduate members who are unable to vote online should request a postal vote up to 28 days to prior to voting opening. Specific timing will be publicised prior to each election. 

C9. Should a mid-term vacancy occur it can be filled at the next scheduled election. 

Appendix D 

Procedure for the Appointment of Members of the University Board of Governors 

D1. The Division of Development and Alumni Relations management team shall review the skills and experience requirements for the member of the Association to serve on the Board of Governors as determined by the Board of Governors Nominations Committee and provide a shortlist of suitable candidates to a DDAR nominations committee. 

D2. A DDAR nominations committee, which shall include the Chair of the Alumni Association, and the Director of Development and Alumni Relations shall recommend candidates to the Board of Governors Nomination Committee. 

D3. Appointments are typically for an initial three-year term (unless there is a requirement to balance rotation), with the possibility of further extensions subject to Board requirements and appraisal. The usual maximum total term of office is nine years. 

Appendix E 

Procedure for Alumni Association member participation in the election of Chancellor 

(as detailed in University Ordinance 1, below) 

E1. Statute XVIII of the University requires that the Association maintains a list of members of the Association who wish to be notified of its proceedings and to participate in elections. In order to comply with relevant UK data protection legislation, DDAR will maintain this list on behalf of the Association and communicate with it accordingly. Any Graduate Member of the Association who has an active email address listed on their alumni record will be considered to be included on this register of voters by default, unless he/she elects to opt-out by way of contacting DDAR. 

E2. Graduate Members of the Alumni Association who are on the register of voters (see section 7.3 and Appendix A) by a date that is 14 weeks before the date appointed for the election shall be eligible to participate in the election, pursuant to paragraph 2a in Ordinance 1. 

E3. The election will be conducted as detailed in Ordinance 1, see below. 

Ordinance 1 – Election of the Chancellor 

1. The date of election shall be appointed by the Registrar and Secretary, who shall act as Returning Officer for the election and shall have a general discretion to ensure that the election is conducted in a proper and seemly manner. In fulfilling this role, the Registrar and Secretary may choose to appoint a suitable external agent to fulfil many of the duties expected of the Returning Officer and to provide administrative support for the election, on the approval of the Board. The external agent may, if appropriately qualified and subject to the approval of the candidates duly nominated, fulfil the duties of a Scrutineer. 

2. Pursuant to Statute IV, those who may participate in the election shall be: a. those members of the Alumni Association whose names and addresses have been registered on the list compiled in pursuance of Statute XV111.3 at a date 14 weeks before the date appointed for the election; b. those persons who hold superannuable appointments in the University at a date 14 weeks before the date appointed for the election and which extend to the date appointed for the election; c. those persons who are members of the General Assembly at a date 14 weeks before the date appointed for the election and whose appointments do not terminate before the date appointed for the election. 

Any person whose name appears on more than one list shall be entitled to only one vote. 

3. No fewer than 12 weeks before the date appointed for the election, the Returning Officer shall notify all persons eligible to participate in the election stating that the Chancellorship is or is to become vacant, as may be appropriate, specifying the date appointed for the election and drawing attention to the provisions of this Ordinance. 

4. No candidate for election to the Chancellorship shall be deemed to be validly nominated unless: a. a proposition for such nomination, in writing, signed by at least 20 persons who are eligible to participate in the election, shall have been received by the Returning Officer no fewer than six weeks before the date appointed for the election; b. at the time the proposition for nomination is made, he or she has assented, in writing, to becoming a candidate for election, and has certified that he or she holds no paid appointment in the University. 

5. Should there be only one candidate validly nominated, the Returning Officer shall declare him or her to be elected and shall make the result public. 

6. Should there be more than one candidate validly nominated: a. the Returning Officer shall contact all persons eligible to participate in the election, no fewer than 28 days prior to the date appointed for the election and provide a list of candidates in random order and further information on the process by which voting will take place; b. each candidate validly nominated shall be invited to appoint a Scrutineer. Any candidate not nominating a Scrutineer shall have a Scrutineer appointed by the Returning Officer. On the date appointed for the election, the Returning Officer shall arrange to make available to the Scrutineers for examination the report on the internet voting and (if this method of voting is used) the envelopes containing the ballot papers unopened. c. the result of the election shall be declared by the Returning Officer immediately following the conclusion of the Count, and subsequently shall be made public; d. two weeks after the declaration of the result, the Returning Officer, with the consent of the Scrutineers, shall arrange for the destruction of voting papers and records. 

How we use your information

The University of Manchester Division of Development and Alumni Relations (DDAR) processes personal information in accordance with all relevant data protection legislation. Our Privacy Notice is available here; and further information about data protection at the University is available here. Please tell us how you want to hear from DDAR by contacting us on or +44 (0)161 306 3066; if you are a graduate you can also manage your personal information online at